Mar 4, 2009

Seattles Green Festival

That's right. March 28-29 is the second annual green festival in Seattle. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore ways to decrease ones footprint on this little planet we call home. This event offers the public a chance to learn about everything from "green" products, clothing, foods, companies, volunteer opportunities, beers, investment strategies, emerging technologies and beyond. This even features how-to workshops, guest speakers, and films all based on "green" products, practices, lifestyles, and lifestyle changes. The way I see it is that its an opportunity to look at what you currently buy/consume and figure out what the eco-friendly alternatives that are available to replace those things, goods, and services. It also offers a chance to interact with a representative from the groups, companies or agencies that are driving these more environmentally conscious alternatives. See link:

  • Personal interaction with the company, group, agency representatives
  • Wide variety of eco-friendly products, opportunities, services available to peruse
  • Great learning opportunity
  • Cost. It costs $15 bucks a head
  • Likely to be crowded
  • Generally speaking, many of these alternatives can be very costly to switch to or purchase
All in all I think that its definitely worth going to. I went to the previous event and I did find a few things that really interested me and even an eco-friendly AAA like company that I am now a member of. I learned a great deal and was able to ask questions and discuss aspects of products and services that I found interesting, that I didn't understand or that I considered purchasing.

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