May 22, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill: Update


So nothing really new is going on. BP is siphoning off approximately 5,000 barrels of oil a day into a supertanker, utilizing a hose connected to the gushing failed well. However, oil continues to be released in vast quantities into the ocean.

Its been documented that the spill far exceeds BP's original estimate of 5,000 barrels a day. The oil plume is reaching coast lines, and washing up on shores. Untold quantities of oil are still being released and potentially will be for weeks to come. This is the worst oil spill in US history far exceeding that of the Exxon Valdez spill. The above links have a few videos embedded in them that show what the oil looks like and Obama's declaration of the policy action he intends to take. (It's about time)

The way I see it is that some good will come from this oil spill. Finally, the government will get involved in the oil industry in the United States. Regulations and standards will likely be created. Unfortunately its kind of a too little too late scenario. These regulations are being forced onto the agenda by public outcry. The gulf states are going to be majorly impacted for many years to come. The wildlife in the gulf is likely going to suffer much greater loses than we puny humans. Furthermore, off-shore oil exploration and production will continue.

Personal Note:

I don't claim to be an expert, I don't claim to be an oil proponent and I don't see myself as a 'radical liberal environmentalist.' However, I have had conversations with many many people regarding this issue and I find it interesting to see their reactions and the amount of attention people are giving this event. The vast majority of people I have spoken with don't seem to have any clue whats happening, the extent of the situation, none of it. Those that do either agree with me that there is a serious problem with industry/governmental relations that is very destructive to our country and that this is a very sad event, or they think more along the lines of what the news and BP have disclosed, kind of a devils advocate mentality. Most notably, I had a length conversation with a gentlemen who literally word for word regurgitated the news coverage saying things like "Its a big ocean" or "oil leaks from the ground naturally, oil spills are nothing new" or "look, personally I don't really care because its not in my backyard." I find it funny that people are willing to believe everything that they are told, and that they are ready to be down right combative when you question there opinions. How can society, and peoples intellect progress if nobody is willing to question things or look for greater truths or open themselves up to possibilities that are outside of their personal comfort levels. I also think its funny that some people are willing to be complacent about soo many things happening around them. I mean yeah its a big world, and yes we are all busy with our day to day lives, but things are happening around us at all times and many of those things are outside of our control, but that shouldn't mean that these events don't or won't have an effect on us or that our personal existences are more important than those of people on the other side of the country. I don't claim to have all the answers or be the most involved person, but I do have curiosities, I do question people and the news, I want to know whats happening around me, I want to be involved, I am effected by events regardless of there proximity to me, and further I want other people to know what I know so that they can hopefully pass that along to others and spread the collective wealth of knowledge, and information around.