May 27, 2010

The Gulf Spill: BP's Culpability Grows


The "Top Kill" solution seems to be working, and reports so far say that it has been effective at blocking the flow of oil and hydrocarbons from the well. Here is a link from BP describing the procedure, quantities of materials required, and desired out comes of this technique. (Link) So far news reports say the procedure is a success, however it will take a matter of days for the well to be completely sealed. With the track record of this event now going on 5 weeks, its difficult to be hopeful that anything will be accomplished, yet I am holding out hope. (NYT's Article) I would make an estimate of the quantity of oil spilled thus far but if you look at the NYT's article or many of my previous posts you will see that it is highly contested. Either way, this oil spill is the worst in American history, the previous being the Exxon Valdez that took place in Prince Williams Sound, AK in 1989.

BP's Guilt:

There has been a vast amount of news coverage oriented around figuring out what exactly caused this well blowout, and investigative task forces have been put together, and the government is not going to stop until the truth is known and the spill is cleaned up and on and on. I for one applaud the effort. If I were in charge I would probably do and say the same things. Hopefully with a little more expedience than what we have seen from our fearless leaders. Regardless, if you are curious about this spill and what happened and who's ultimately at fault I highly suggest watching the "60 Minutes" link I have provided. The interviews and documentation is deeply disturbing to say the least. Something has got to be done. Things need to change. It almost makes you wonder whats next or where the checks and balances are or how many people have to die?
(LINK - "60 Minutes" interview)

Personal Note:

After watching these videos, reading countless articles and on and on I find myself deeply moved by this event. This is really sad. The oil in the ocean, looks absolutely disgusting, and the quantities involved are incomprehensible to me. Yet, I do have a car, I rely on it, and the gulf provides something like a third of American oil supplies and BP is one of the, if not the, largest oil producer in America. I realize that this spill is not going to stop off shore energy production. However, seeing the responses from the BP representatives, and listening and reading the statements they have made, and then seen and reading those from the actual rig workers, makes me angry. I don't want to support a company like that. Where do those guys get off? How do they sleep at night? They have killed something like 26 Americans in the last 5 years due to negligence!

Regardless, these events and the way they have been handled does lead to some out rage on my part. Just for good measure, here is a list of BP owned companies if you, I don't know, decide not to support them: Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm, Amoco, and Wild Bean Cafe, and Safeway gas.

I don't usually read op-ed articles but like I said I have been reading a ton of oil spill related stuff. Ideally what I would like to see Obama's response be is to out law deep ocean oil production, because obviously the drilling technology far surpasses cleanup and mitigation technology and practices. Further, I would like to see him use this even to launch a pro-environment campaign, which would hopefully pave the way for energy production that moves away from oil into more renewable sources. Op-Ed Article. Obama ran on a platform of change. Well here is his chance to make that change....gonna make a difference,,,,gonna make it riiiiiiiight. Like I have said before, we will just have to see how it goes, I still have some faith that Obama will save the world and end the wars. C'mon Obama...

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